Tuesday 5 November 2013


Many professions have a code of conduct/ ethics, this sets out their expectations.
Things to be considered!
Ways of operating
Social skills
The affects       
Knowledge and understanding

From looking at this list is is very clear that from the literature i have written about in my task previous these aspects will have to be incorporated for as when i wish to teach. I will have to follow and maintain a code of conduct as all times but still hold onto my own personal ethical feelings and ideas,  but also for myself at the moment in my professional practise

As the reader says inevitably any professional practice has ethical involvement. The general principles the reader highlights i have realised they fit with my own line of inquiry and below i have explained why.

Like in my questions i do wish to talk/ inquire into about teachers and their approaches towards children teaching methods and styles. For this I have done so much researching and their was one particular website from gov.uk which was most helpful and has enlightened me into skills, attributes and expectation i should have. I plan to put in place as many ethical properties as i can so i can move forward in my professional practice. So my line of inquiry is the transition form performer to teacher, i now know from reading the reader all the principles and how to place them in my professional practice. 

I will be careful with plagiarism and make sure i do not steal any ones else's work of course i can reference it if its to use in my inquiry. 

Only ask what is necessary

I have done a huge amount of networking and i feel i have asked so much information of people, all of whom have been importantly asked. These people know they have been observed and were very willing to help me out.

Covert-v-overt observation

I have asked the people to be as honest with me with ther feedback and they are fully aware it is for my lie of inquiry.

Maintaining objectivity

I have maintained confident with my line of inquiry and am focused and curious as to what i have found out and will continue to learn.

Reporting data/ Protecting data/Preventing harm

All the data i have received has been carefully stored and i will draw upon it when needed.


All of the peopel who have been asked for feedback are fully aware this is for my professional line of inquiry.

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